Massage is a treatment that aims to relax, revive and heal the body. Using manual hands-on movements and manipulation of the soft tis. . .  

Osteopathy is a drug-free, non-invasive manual therapy that aims to improve health across all body systems by manipulating . . .

Traditional acupuncture is a healthcare system based on ancient principles, which go back nearly two thousand years. It has a very . . .

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by ‘laying on hands’. . .

Complementary and alternative therapies typically take a holistic approach to your physical and mental health. This means . . .

Psychological therapy and counselling (sometimes referred to as the ‘talking cure’) is the treatment of emotional and psychological . . .

Chinese Herbal Medicine is one of the great herbal systems of the world, with an unbroken tradition going back to the 3rd century BC. Yet throughout its history it has continually developed in response to changing clinical conditions . . .

Physiotherapy is a science-based healthcare profession that promotes recovery in illness, injury or disability. It aims to restore movement and functional ability to the person’s full potential. Physiotherapy is an independent profession where . . .


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